
Monday, 14 October 2013

WhAt mAkes A gReaT KenYaN RocK VideO?

In this day and age the music video has become synonymous with great Kenyan rock music. But what makes a music video stand out. Kenyan rock band thought we’d weigh in with our own non-expert opinion.  It’s pretty obvious that you have to be unique. Music videos are a dime a dozen. People need incentive to watch your Kenyan rock video. Offer something different:  a dude in a doggy costume or perhaps a badass with an enormous Afro and an attitude problem. The only limits here are your imagination and budget. 
Don’t forget to tell a story. Take Tafadhali’s (by music to overdrive) video for instance. It tells the tale of struggling guitarist who eventually finds other musicians after misfortune and a few lucky breaks. Also, the Kenyan ROck video should be captivating. It would be a plus if viewers don’t know what is going on till the end. You do not have to match the story with the lyrics exactly. Give yourself a little creative license. Leave a lasting impression. Everyone remembers Just a Band's Hahe and Makmende. While not every video will go viral, it’s a great example of imagination and creativity in a Kenyan rock video. Of course there is the most important part: the music. The video is only an extension of the music. A great Kenyan rock video will do nothing for ear numbing noise. Otherwise have fun with it. And speaking of Kenyan rock videos check the recently released steal a beat by Murfy's Flaw.

What is your opinion of a great video?

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